The EST was foun­ded based on the belief that stu­dents can mean­ing­fully con­trib­ute to the EU policy debate, and we have found this to be true. In order to do so, we hope to provide stu­dents with a solid frame­work and as many oppor­tun­it­ies for input as pos­sible. This requires hard work, but it is also very grat­i­fy­ing. Our efforts have been recog­nized by the Dutch gov­ern­ment, who awar­ded the EST the Char­le­magne Youth Prize in 2011. The organ­iz­a­tion was also nom­in­ated for the European Char­le­magne Prize.


Equal Opportunities:

The EST Board has an equal policy representation for members of our organization, with 50% women and 50% men in our Board and International Office. The EST Board of 2016 has committed to the progressive implementation of equality quotas in our organization beginning September 5th 2016, and committing to achieve a 50/50 representation by the first day of 2017.


If you are excited about influ­en­cing and improv­ing EU policy and want to be an act­ive mem­ber of Europe’s civil society, please con­sider the fol­low­ing ways in which you could contribute:


‘Becom­ing EST Ambas­sador was a great decision and has allowed me to enjoy one of the most pleas­ant and enriching exper­i­ences of my extra­cur­ricular life.’ – Raluca Idor, EST Ambas­sador to Romania, about her exper­i­ence with the EST. Read more here.