The European Policy Review is the peer-reviewed journal published by the European Stu­dent Think Tank. It con­tains aca­demic, student-written papers on a wide range of top­ics related to European Union policy. 

In line with the object­ive of the European Stu­dent Think Tank to provide a plat­form for dis­cus­sion amongst stu­dents that share an interest in the EU, this journal seeks to involve stu­dents in the cent­ral and con­tro­ver­sial debates in European polit­ics. This journal there­fore not only seeks to bring to the fore stu­dents’ per­spect­ives on EU policy but also aims to tar­get a wide young aca­demic read­er­ship.

The European Policy Review has an inter­na­tional and multi-disciplinary char­ac­ter. The con­trib­ut­ors to, and makers of, this journal are stu­dents from vari­ous coun­tries, with dif­fer­ent back­grounds and per­spect­ives. The journal con­sciously chooses to cover a broad spec­trum of top­ics and to incor­por­ate mul­tiple dis­cip­lines, thereby reflect­ing the numer­ous angles from which EU policy can be stud­ied and discussed.

EPR Volume 6 Issue 1

EPR Volume 5 Issue 1

EPR Volume 4 Issue 1

EPR Volume 3 Issue 1

EPR Volume 2 Issue 2

EPR Volume 2 Issue 1

EPR Volume 1 Issue 3

EPR Volume 1 Issue 2

EPR Volume 1 Issue 1