December 2016: EST European Parliament Debate: How young organizations can impact European PolicyNovember 2016: The EST hosts debate with youth in the European ParliamentSeptember 2016: President Carlota & Advisor Sietse attend United Nations Associations Dinner in BrusselsSeptember 2016: EST Board Transition Meeting/ ConferenceJuly 2016: Sietse Blom (Secretary) and Tamira Vossen (Events Manager) represent the EST in United Nations Association of the NetherlandsJune 2016: EST President Kate Perdikis speaks to BBC in Brussels about European AffairsMay 2016: EST Ambassador Johannes Tropper hosts event at KAICIID International Dialogue Center.April 2016: EST Secretary Sietse Blom speaking at the European Parliaments EYE event.April 2016: EST working group on refugee crisisApril 2016: EST presentation in Student Forum MaastrichtMarch 2016: EST visit to the Dutch Presidency of the EU.March 2016: EST visit to the EU delegation to International Organizations, hosted by Ambassador Johannes Tropper.February 2016: EST stand in Lieden FairFebruary 2016: EST event in the International Criminal CourtDecember 2015: EST Ambassador Johannes Tropper hosts visit to OPEC.November 2015: Meeting Between EST President Kate Perdikis and Secretary Sietse Blom with Anti Corruption International representative Jason Deegan.July 2015: EST Ambassador Daniel Rubio represents students at the Clinton Global InitiativeJuly 2015: The EST Constitutes its new Board. Meeting between former and new Board members