“Equipo Europa is a non -profit , pro- European, non-partisan youth association. Equipo Europa arose from the #EstaVezVoto campaign, which was promoted by the European Parliament to promote electoral participation in the European Elections. We started the campaign being seven eurogeeks in Madrid. But on the day of the European Elections, we had more than a thousand followers on social networks and dozens of young people signed up to be European Informants throughout Spain. We realized that we had to continue. Thus, a group of young campaign volunteers, united by their interest in Europe and especially the European Union, decided to formally establish ourselves as a team to promote the 2019 European Elections and the EU itself. The young people who are part of the association are between the ages of 14 and 30, we are committed to the values of the European Union (contained in article 2 of the Treaty of the European Union) and as an association we are not aligned with any party political.”
Visit their website or check out their Social Media accounts for more information!