The European Policy Review is the peer-reviewed journal published by the European Stu­dent Think Tank. It contains academic papers written by students and young professionals on a wide range of topics related to European Union policy.
Applications for 2024 (CLOSED)

In line with the object­ive of the European Stu­dent Think Tank to provide a plat­form for dis­cus­sion amongst the academic community and young practitioners that share an interest in the EU, this journal seeks to involve the youth in the cent­ral and con­tro­ver­sial debates in European polit­ics. This journal there­fore not only seeks to bring forth their per­spect­ives on EU policy but also aims to tar­get a wide young aca­demic read­er­ship.

The European Policy Review has an inter­na­tional and multi-disciplinary char­ac­ter. The con­trib­ut­ors to, and makers of, this journal are scholars and budding professionals from vari­ous coun­tries, with dif­fer­ent back­grounds and per­spect­ives. The journal con­sciously chooses to cover a broad spec­trum of top­ics and to incor­por­ate mul­tiple dis­cip­lines, thereby reflect­ing the numer­ous angles from which EU policy can be stud­ied and discussed.

This year, the European Student Think Tank invites you to submit your research papers to be featured in our peer-reviewed journal, the European Policy Review! 💡

The theme of the 2024 edition will be: An outlook to the future: navigating emerging threats and challenges in Europe.

Get a chance to share your research on the most pressing issues that are challenging Europe’s present, and are likely to impact its future. We’re calling on you to submit your research papers on emerging threats facing our continent. From AI to democratic backsliding, from external threats and conflicts to (geo)political tensions, your insights can drive meaningful discussions and pave the way for innovative solutions.

Submit your 3000-5000 word research paper by May 5th, 2024, for a chance to be published in the EPR. You don’t want to miss this great opportunity!

Click the following link for the application form and more details.

Here is a brief recap with useful information:

Topic: An outlook to the future: navigating emerging threats and challenges in Europe.

Deadline: Sunday, 5th of May 23:59 (Central European Time).

In case of any queries, please contact or Deputy Editors-in-Chief (deputy.editor@esthinktank) for further questions.