Environment Working Group
As sustainability challenges arise with instability around the globe and rising climate change and emissions effects are more and more noticeable, the Working Group on Environment wishes to bring clarity to environmental topics at the European level. Our initial scope of research will englobe policies that can bring the EU to a net-zero state and ensure a sustainable future: urban governance and sustainability, Just Transition, economic tools like carbon taxes and ETS, and strong environmental law that gives juridical personhood to natural ecosystems (e.g ecocide). This areas are multidisciplinary and a possible bridge between Working Groups, aiming to produce research in partnerships with them.
Lastly, we wish to develop EST events for key EU weeks (EU Week of Regions and Cities, EU Energy Week, EU Green Week, etc.) and partner organisations.
Beatriz Gómez Navalón – Head of the Working Group

Beatriz Gómez Navalón, a Spanish recent graduate in Diplomacy and International Relations, found her zeal for the influential workings of the EU after an European Solidarity Corps’ project. Fueled by this passion, she completed a traineeship at the European Commission and is currently working in the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Driven by the urgency of today’s overwhelming environmental concerns, she is committed to dive deep into environmental research linked to the international perspective and policies.
Elyne Fabing – Deputy Head of the Working Group
Maximiliaan Paarlberg

Maximiliaan is currently working in the international drinking water sector for the biggest drinking water organisation of the Netherlands. He previously graduated from a BSc in Political Science at Leiden University, a Master’s in European Integration and Global Studies at Centre International de Formation Européenne and a MSc in European and International Governance at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). His main areas of study have been the Middle East, Africa and the European Union.
He is from the Netherlands but he has lived in Berlin, Nice, Istanbul and Brussels. His main focus is on the interplay between the environment and geopolitics. He also writes about matters related to water management, WASH and SDG6.
Maghnia Bouanati