“Happy anniversary, Europe. We are not aware of the magnitude of our present until we analyse it under the lens of history. EU60 is the story peace, freedom and diversity. Europe is the dream that Spinelli had when he was imprisoned by Mussolini, and wrote the Manifesto Ventotene from his cell, where he sustained that after World War II long term peace in Europe could only be achieved through a project unity, since national interests pitted against each other had been a European history of war. Europe is the first elections to the European Parliament in 1979. Europe is how Spain, Portugal and Greece defeated dictatorships in the seventies, and would then embark in what would be EU 12. Europe is the midnight trains and coaches we have taken on a limb during our Erasmus. Europe is a plurality of races, cultures and religions. EU60 is only the beginning”. –Carlota Núñez Strutt, President of the European Student Think Tank
“The EU means reconciliation of diverse cultures, backgrounds regional and local approaches that come together in the heart of what once started as merely a peace project”. –Laurens Van Der Sluijs, Treasurer of the European Student Think Tank
“Our Union celebrates its 60th birthday today. This in a time where its accomplishments on stability and prosperity are often undervalued. Reforms are indispensable, but so is acknowledging what we have achieved so far. It is not cooperation on intelligence or a joint border watch that unites us. It is a shared belief in equality, and in the right to be free”. –Sietse Blom, Chair of the Board of Advisors to the European Student Think Tank
“60 years of European construction, which meant peace, social progress, human rights. The EU is essential to the Europe and must go on”. – Moïra Tourneur, EST Ambassador to France
“Let us remind ourselves today that the peace and cooperation that is created in Europe is not for granted. Lets admire the achievements made on areas as human rights, universal freedoms and peace. Today is a day on which every European citizen can be proud on all those freedoms we take for granted everyday!” –Jasper Gruiters, EST Ambassador to the Czech Republic
“European Union is peace, freedom and democracy. Indeed, EU is not the Brussels bubble, it is about all Europeans. However the EU has to create a working polity linking to its people. The narrative is present now, but we need real initiatives and policies.” -Aurélien Pommier, EST Ambassador to Poland
“As Belgium’s national motto states L’union fait la force, we must stand united for this project of freedoms and rights” –Adnane Lachheb, EST Ambassador to Belgium
“As a national of a country that is leaving the EU, I am saddened but also hopeful for the future of Europe. The EU, whilst by no means perfect, stands for peace and co-operation, and has unified a politically and culturally diverse continent. That is definitely something to be celebrated, given Europe’s tumultuous history!” -Rebecca Hogg, EST Ambassador to the Netherlands
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