The EST Board is very happy to announce a new partnership that we have been working on over the past few months. Shabka is our newest partner and they are a ‘Strategic Think and Do Tank’ based out of Vienna, Austria. We are very excited to be involved with an organization that takes such a comprehensive and proactive approach to policy. With their Future Strategists Hub 2018, they have actively brought together young and experienced professionals to shape a policy narrative that designs sustainable proposals that are intended to be implemented.
Beyond this, Shabka has several other initiatives we are happy to be engaged with, such as the CPD Policy Blog and the Shabka Journal. With the Policy Blog bridging together academics and practitioners to make grounded policy proposals and the Journal providing an excellent source of specialist content on the MENA region.
The EST is excited to begin this partnership and proceed with our planned article exchanges and all other events where we can work together. There is no doubt that this partnership is providing us with added value that we are happy to share with our audience. As such, the EST is looking forward to a prosperous partnership.