Migrant and refugee women in Europe are frequently distanced or excluded from political participation. Join us on the 22nd February at 6pm CET where a panel of experts will address the visible and invisible barriers that migrant women face to political participation and provide some recommendations on how to overcome these obstacles. This panel event is a co-partnership with New Women Connectors and features Anila Noor (New Women Connectors), Alyssa Ahrabare (European Network of Migrant Women) and Syrine Rekhis (Voicify). The event will be held online via this link.
Moderators: Claire Towlerton, Siobhan Cuffe (EST Working Group on Gender Equality)
Image credit: “Women refugees from Syria at a clinic in Jordan”, Russel Watkins & Department for International Development / CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)