World Pride emphasises that all people are born both free and equal in human rights and dignity. For many, the Stonewall Riots marked the beginning of the fight for non-discrimination and equality for members of the gay community in the United States, creating a snowball effect on the demand for and realisation of rights of LGBTIQ+ communities. Just recently, the European Commission announced its first ever EU strategy for LGBTIQ+ equality. Despite progress having been made, 43% of the LGBTIQ still feel discriminated, calling for more awareness, protection and reinforcement.
To mark this important month, the European Student Think Tank welcomes articles investigating any topic related to Pride Month and equality for all LGBTIQ+ persons.
We suggest to explore topics such as:
- The impact of COVID-19 on LGBTIQ+ persons in Europe
- The EU’s LGBTIQ+ policy and strategies
- Specific right violations (e.g. work discrimination and equality in the context of business standards)
- Development or reversal of various national or international laws
- Any other relevant topic
Suggested length of contributions: 700 to 1000 words. You are encouraged to follow our writing format.
Deadline: 23 May 2021
Send your submission to editorinchief@esthinktank.com and to genderequality@esthinktank.com in copy by 23rd May 2021.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any further inquiries!