Event 1: Drawing Inspiration: Virtual Art Exhibitions in the Fight Against Chronic
Date: Thursday 25 May
Time: 20h30 until 21h15 (GMT+01:00)
Organisers: Association of European Cancer Leagues, European Student Think Tank, #Students Against COVID
Description: “Join us for an engaging online dialogue on the role of virtual art exhibitions in the fight against chronic diseases. This event will feature two virtual art exhibitions, one showcasing artworks dedicated to umbilical cord blood donation and the other featuring artworks related to cancer prevention and health literacy. Young health professionals and artists will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and network with one another.”
Registration via email to: Christos Tsagkaris, tsagkarisc@gmail.com
Link to the meeting: https://meet.google.com/zfo-gqbn-ioc
Event 2: From Social Injustice to Social Surgery
Date: Thursday 26 May
Time: 20h30 until 21h15 (GMT+01:00)
Organisers: European Student Think Tank ; #StudentsAgainstCOVID ; Students Scientific Society of the Bukovinian State Medical University (SSS BSMU)
Description: “This online dialogue invites students and young professionals to explore the root causes of health disparities through the lens of social injustice and the newly proposed concept of social surgery. Social surgery is a novel approach to addressing these disparities by considering the broader social determinants of health. It will provide a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing experiences, and identifying strategies for further action in the field.”
Registration via email to: Christos Tsagkaris, tsagkarisc@gmail.com
Link to the meeting: https://meet.google.com/vfx-ipkd-fkq
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