Originally published on 2013/12/18
EPC’s leading European politics expert Janis A. Emmanouilidis gives Lénaïc Vaudin d’Imécourt an exclusive pre-summit analysis of the last, and very important, meeting of EU leaders in 2013.
Emmanouilidis explains that, should Finance Ministers fail to reach a deal on the complex issue of the single resolution mechanism, leaders will have to find a political deal as the pressure is enormous to find an agreement before the European Parliament goes into recess next year.
He also insits that we should not have high expectations when it comes to security and defence policy which is the second big topic on the Summit’s agenda. The question boils down to whether or not EU leaders will put money into new defence projects as Member States have very different interests on these issues.
Finally, EPC’s expert underlines that on the third agenda point, which is immigration, key decisions on asylum and migration are not expected before the June 2014 EU summit.
The next summit of the Council of the EU will be held in Brussels on 13 & 14 February 2014.
The European Policy Centre (EPC) is a Brussels-based independent think tank focusing on European integration and provides high-quality analysis on the EU policy agenda. The EPC has a strong multi-constituency approach and has a wide range of private companies, business federations, trade unions, public institutions as well as NGOs as its members.
Janis A. Emmanouilidis works for the EPC since 2009 as a Senior Policy Analyst and was recently promoted as EPC’s Director of Studies. His publications cover the EU’s overall political and institutional development, the sovereign debt crisis, EU integration, the EU’s foreign policy as well as EU enlargement. Emmanouilidis is also active as an advisor of various governments, EU institutions, European parties and NGOs.
Disclaimer: This video was originally published as “Pre-EU Summit Insights – What’s on the table on 19 & 20 December 2013?” on December 17, 2013 on viEUws, EST’s partner.