The European Student Think Tank is proud to present its new campaign:
This campaign aims at strengthening a sense of European identity and belonging of (young) Europeans. We strongly believe that if we work together, we can make Europe truly the continent it is: one of Europeans.

The title, IdentifyEUrope, is not a coincidence. It contains the three facets of the campaign, which stand at its center and are interconnected: the process of identification of citizens, the EU, and Europe. The purpose of this campaign is for European citizens to find their inner European-ness, i.e. to recognize those facets of European identity that also correspond to their own identities and even recognize themselves actively as Europeans.
However, the campaign does not only reflect European values, but connects these to European institutions and the problem of democratic legitimacy. The relationship between the European Union and its citizens is crucial for democratic legitimacy of the EU as the organisation has developed into a significant legal and legislative actor on the European continent that affects the lives of its citizens on a daily basis. Knowledge and perception are key and the campaign will provide space for Europeans to talk to and about the problems we are currently facing in Europe or that we are likely to be facing in the near future.
The EST is excited to see the final product this campaign will bring about and is committed to making it a success. However, doing this alone would completely surpass the very point of the campaign – and that is why YOU are so important. So, consider this a personal invitation to everyone: come to our events, organise one yourself, read our articles, reflect on them, and write about your own opinion. Whatever you do, the most important thing is that you do it!
These are the types of activities you can participate in during the IdentifyEUrope campaign:
- Articles, interviews and portraits;
- Videos and Facebook Live events;
- Common articles;
- Exhibitions;
- Debates and conferences;
- Working group papers and academic research;
- Many more (surprising) features, so make sure you follow our campaign regularly!
Find out more about our achievements thus far:
- Articles;
- Common articles on European identity: Part I and Part II
- A series of columns on Europe’s Forgotten Stories;
- The EUrArt working group and a series of research pieces on European arts;
- A Citizens’ Consultation for Europe at the French National Assembly;
- A working group at the European Youth Event 2018.
Of course, this campaign is meant to be as inclusive as possible. Therefore, we encourage you to contribute with your own creative take on the European identity – so, if you have any ideas, do not hesitate to contact us at