Originally published on 2013/07/25
Lithuania is the first Baltic state to take the helm of the EU’s rotating Presidency. It faces a daunting task with a full agenda and the need to secure agreements between 28 Member States on a wide range of important issues ahead of the EU elections to be held next year.
In this video report, Grégoire Lory looks at the challenging priorities of the Lithuanian Presidency, notably:
– adoption of 75 specific proposals implementing the EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020, so that it can enter into force on 1 January 2014
– focus on tackling youth employment
– important energy security issues
– Eastern Partnership policy with a specific attention to concluding the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) with Ukraine
Disclaimer: This video was originally published as “A challenging EU Presidency for Lithuania” on July 4, 2013 on viEUws, EST cooperation partner.