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Posts by category
- Category: announcements
- Category: Articles and Blogs
- Who is to Blame for Today’s Russia: a Review of Russia’s Democratisation Process in the 1990s and the Role of Foreign and National Actors
- The Rohingya Genocide: Global Inaction and the Failure of Responsibility to Protect
- Pre-Contractual Information Duties on Sustainability of Products: a Path Towards Sustainable Consumption?
- Breaking with Tradition: Austria’s Controversial Government Formation Amid Political Turmoil
- The rise of Kaja Kallas: Towards a more hawkish EU policy on China?
- Article no.1 – Sexual Emancipation in Ireland A historical account and what the 33rd Dáil may bring.
- The “Right to have Rights”: the case of the Rohingya population
- Confronting conflict-related sexual violence: the European Union’s shortcomings and path forward
- Trump’s Second Term: Implications for Europe’s Security, Populism, and Economy
- 2025: Six Countries to Watch in the Middle East and North Africa
- Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan: The Crisis Facing Women Under Taliban Control
- Election Under Siege: The Struggle for Moldova’s European Dream
- Stop Ecocide Now – The Environmental Damage and Criminal Punishment in Europe
- A Closer Look at the Strategic Green Hydrogen Partnership in Namibia: Emphasizing its Economic, Social and Environmental Dimensions
- Foreign Policy: a Challenge for European Governance?
- Crippling Russia’s War Economy: EU Sanctions, Loopholes and the Road Ahead
- What Happened to the Polish Left? An Analysis of the Party’s Ideological Development and Changing Electoral Base
- Struggle for Conservation of Slovenian Minorities in Austria, Italy and Hungary: Why does Multilateral Action Matter?
- The Nature Restoration Law: A Significant Milestone or An Example of the EU Green Deal Losing Momentum?
- The Role of Women in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation
- Education as the Weapon against Human Rights Abuse
- The European Green Deal is a turning point for Europe, but why did it anger European farmers?
- Beyond the Indicators: The Rise of Economic Inequality in Sweden
- Evaluating Neutrality: The Role and Future of Neutral Countries within the EU
- Are current laws on marketing advertisement on HSFF products in Ireland outdated?
- Funding Peace: The impact of philanthropy on Northern Ireland’s peacebuilding process
- A World on Fire: climate change, global warming, and its impact on human rights in the Global South
- Evaluating Neutrality: The Role and Future of Neutral Countries within the EU
- Curse or Blessing of AI for Youth Employment
- Digital deployment: how social media can reshape modern military recruitment
- Red Sea Crisis: the European Union’s Response
- Domestic abuse in England & Wales: a historical legal gap bridged by Section 76 of the Serious Crime Act 2015?
- Looking back at Burden and Burden v. the UK: Are siblings being legally overlooked?
- The European Housing Crisis from the Human Rights Perspective
- Female Suicide Bombers As A Security Threat: Towards A More Comprehensive And Inclusive Approach
- The Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor – EU’s Benchmarking Tool for Cultural Vibrancy, Creative Economy and Enabling Environment
- Access To Water As A Human Right: The Case Of The Palestine Conflict
- The ‘Powder Keg’ of Europe? Western Balkan History and the Question of EU Accession to Stabilise the Region
- The impact of stigmatisation: the tampon tax across the European Union
- Human lives as the tools in the political game – the Belarus-Poland border crisis
- Exploring irregular migrants’ agency in EU border spaces
- The Acceleration of the EU’s Green Energy Transition
- Emasculation of War: The Detrimental Effects of Stereotyped International Relations on Women Participation in Conflict Resolution Processes
- From prejudice to policy: African migration in Europe
- LGB without the T?: The dangerous rise of transphobia, TERFism, and anti-transgender rhetoric across the United Kingdom
- Towards sustainable supply chains: Opportunities and Obstacles to Corporate Due Diligence in the EU
- The Israel-Palestine Conflict and South Africa’s case against Israel before the ICJ
- Policy Brief – Taxing for (in-)equality?!
- Can 15-minute Cities Be The Solution To Tackle Climate Change?
- The Euro is not even 25, but it needs more than a cosmetic makeover: Lessons for pro-EU policymakers from the debate on Bulgaria’s adoption of the Euro
- The End of ‘Bonsai Armies’
- Enlargement to Serbia: A threat to the EU’s strategic autonomy?
- Non-Standard Contracts Among Young People
- “Take it or leave it”: A brief analysis of the European Neighbourhood Policy
- Is Germany’s Debt Brake Undermining its Climate Transformation?
- Political Resistance to Regulatory Reforms in the EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement
- Mediating the Arab-Israeli dispute in the 21st century: The EU’s digital diplomacy on “X”.
- The Transatlantic Partnership’s key opportunity to lead on Inclusive Space Diplomacy
- The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) – climate leadership or geostrategic misstep?
- An emergency like no other: Climate Inaction and Human Rights
- The role of comparative analysis in evaluating state compliance with international human rights law: between legal theory and political reality
- European Peace Facility: ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly’
- Our Democratic Institutions aren’t Ready for AI: How Large Language Models threaten citizen participation in decision-making
- The diminishing strength of democratic values and practices within the European Union – “European Democracy Action Plan”
- NATO and the Common Foreign and Security Policy: is this the right time for an European Army? An open parenthesis in perspective of the new emerging conflicts.
- Call for ambassador – Spring 2024 (OPEN)
- Strengthening Energy Security: The Growing Partnership Between Kazakhstan and the EU in Oil Trade
- The end of strong Transatlantic Relations? How Trump(ism) could shape the EU’s future
- The harmfulness of misplaced comparisons: A Euro-pragmatic approach to the Israel-Hamas and Russo-Ukrainian wars
- Menstrual Health from Childhood to the Workplace: Comparing Hungary and Spain
- Arctic Exceptionalism or Ice Curtain? Collaboration and Conflict in the Arctic Amid Escalating Geopolitical Strains
- Gender-based Violence in Italy
- Decoding West and Central African Coups: How French Interference Shapes the Region
- Migration Working Group: Final report 2022-2023
- Economic Diplomacy Strategy of the European Union
- The European Union must stand by its values in Ethiopia
- Improving EU Lobbying Regulations: Lessons from the US and Canada
- The European Citizens’ Initiative is in Dire Need of Reform
- Political Instability in West Africa: Implications for Europe’s Democratic Project Facing the Spread of Russia’s Influence Abroad
- The Nigerien coup d’état: which impact on the EU strategy in the Sahel?
- Beyond bars: Exploring the link between Gender Inequality and Imprisonment
- The Future of Urban Transport: The Role of Urban Air Mobility in Achieving Climate Justice
- An Antidote to Poland’s Coal Addiction
- Analysing the Failed Accession of Turkey to the European Union: A Matter of Identity
- Times of Tensions and Unrest: An Analysis of Transatlantic Relations
- The Lobbying Power of Financial Actors on EU Economic Policy: The Case of the Financial Transaction Tax Law
- Education, employment, and bureaucratic competition inside the European Commission: DG EAC and DG EMPL in the spotlight
- Inflation is not always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon
- Russian war crimes in the Ukraine-Russia conflict – the extent of the crimes and the ongoing investigatory work
- The Middle Eastern Shadow War Culture – Its Regards On Ukraine And Its Importance For Europe
- The death of social mobility: The case of working-class youth in post-COVID Great Britain
- The race for critical raw materials: An assessment of the Critical Raw Materials Act
- Central Banks’ communication strategy and its impact on the financial markets: A comparison of the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank
- Net-Zero Emissions by 2050: Switzerland and the EU’s climate strategies compared
- The digital transformation – A look at Digital Currencies
- Towards the EU’s green economy: obstacles and opportunities
- The violation of sexual and reproductive health and rights of refugee women from Ukraine, victims of CRSV, in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania
- Women’s migration, (un)skilled work and social inequalities: the role of care migration for the EU
- Abortion policy in Germany: spotlight on Berlin
- Lessons from the Turkish Earthquakes?
- Normative Power Europe – An outdated idea against illiberal powers
- Assistance to Ukraine: Who is taking the lead and why should Europe step up?
- How Europe engages in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals in a post-pandemic world
- Transition to the circular economy from a business perspective
- Bodily autonomy in the age of neoliberalism
- Western European Democracies in the wake of Populism
- From “nuclear hypnosis” to human rights: a shifting of EU policy towards Iran
- Abortion Policy in the UK – a benefit or a threat to women’s rights?
- The Challenges for Young Women Entrepreneurs in the Western Balkans
- Fear as a tool in the hands of the European far right
- Analysing the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on domestic abuse in the UK
- Children, youth & the climate-migration nexus
- Entrepreneurship and Women’s Challenges in Albania
- The influence of the international scene on the geopolitical awakening of Europe
- Corporate lobbying in the European Union
- Humanitarianism in Crisis? Rethinking Humanitarian responses for Pluralism and Sustainability
- Missile attacks in Ukraine are torpedoing Global Health
- Workshop at the European Youth Event
- European Public Health Week 2023
- Transnational terrorism: the European Union’s fight against terrorism
- 4 COVID-19 Ds to remember when approaching Monkeypox
- To pollute or not to pollute? Decreasing the ecological footprint of pediatrics in the COVID-19 era
- The european union’s dilemma in russia: insight into the EU’s shifting foreign policy
- Migration and newborn screening: time to build on the European Asylum, Integration and Migration Fund?
- The future of democracy: downfall or renewal? A comparative analysis of Europe’s and China’s models
- Is it about time to develop social surgery?
- The war in Ukraine and diabetic foot care: Challenges, recommendations
- NATO’s next Secretary General: A challenging transition
- The impact of energy shortages on health and healthcare in Europe
- (In)coherent European Action in Libya? The EU’s Approach to the Libyan Civil Wars
- The Future of the European Union’s Foreign Policy Is at Stake: Advancing A Brave New EU for a Brand-New World
- India: A Realist Power?
- Making sense of the Tbilisi protests: the story behind the impact
- Evaluating the expansion of the eurozone
- Cyberspace as a fracture point for Spanish National Security
- The Future of EU in the New World Order
- The need for unity in a time of turmoil
- Abortion in Poland
- Ukraine: The Impact of Armed Conflict on Children’s Right to Education
- Patterns of EU aid and development policy: The EU security-stability nexus within the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument
- To what extent is civil disobedience an effective tool for environmental activism?
- Youth Unemployment in Greece and the integration of NGEU funds into the new National Strategy
- Gender, women, and migration: the importance of a ‘gender lens’ in migration studies and migration policies
- The EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child: A missed opportunity to introduce harmonisation for the age of criminal responsibility in Europe?
- Lebanese Politics… is there any hope?
- Iran and the west: worsening ties in a new era
- Normative Power Europe: grasping the role of the bloc in the new global order
- Towards Strategic Autonomy in European Defence: is it feasible today?
- The 8 MENA Countries to Watch in 2023
- The AI Act: The EU’s path towards responsible AI?
- AUKUS’ past and future: from diplomatic miscalculations to a looming arms race in the Indo-Pacific?
- Role of the ECB in the EU’s green transition
- Dividing the commons: the impact of foreign intervention on the climate crisis in Europe’s last divided nation
- Human Rights Defenders in Colombia in the internal armed conflict after the failed peace agreement and dismantling of FARCS
- Opinion Piece: Big questions from a small island: dissent, dual standards, and decolonisation in the Britain-Bermuda relationship
- Rethinking ‘Home’ Working: hybrid working for young people in the age of unaffordable housing
- The Nuclear Deal amid a Tense Geopolitical Landscape: Challenges and Prospects
- SOGI claims of asylum in EU member states: aiming for inclusion beyond classification
- For A Youth Business Guarantee: Case Studies of Kosovo and Wales
- Anti-gender movements and their impact on European policy
- Debt mutualisation: the new norm?
- Winners of the European Policy Prize 2023
- Accessibility and inclusivity in the digital space: A new dawn
- EU-mediated talks between Kosovo and Serbia
- Macron’s European Intervention Initiative and the shaping of a parallel European defence policy
- A comparison of sex education in Ireland and Poland
- Israel-Lebanon maritime border deal: why is it important for the EU and what are the implications?
- Human Rights Defenders with Disabilities: Towards a more Comprehensive and Inclusive approach
- The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the concept of the ‘just transition’ and leaving no one behind
- In a democratic crisis: Leaving the backsliding paradigm behind
- Assessing the impact of military masculinities within the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy, in times of crisis
- How the EU can use the opportunity of the European Political Community to build a discourse around a Common European Defence
- The EU mediation in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: a bold endeavour
- Using a Scalar Perspective for Approaching European Migration Policies Reform: A (Provocative) Reflection on the Case of the International Alliance of Safe Harbours
- Could growing Chinese relations undermine EU influence in Serbia?
- European identity and crisis
- European energy security and the potential role of Türkiye
- Meloni and Macron: Is there a future for the Franco-Italian partnership in the EU?
- Behind the Scenes of the Africa-Europe Journey: Smashing the EU Utopia
- An Özal Perspective on the European Community
- How independent does the Baltic Pipe make the EU in regard to its natural gas market?
- Political commitments of the EBRD: A paper reality?
- Sex trafficking in Eastern Europe
- An Overview of the Rule of Law: the Case of the RRF and Hungary
- Wartime Economy and Power Out of Control
- Fragmentation of the European Party System: New Dimensions of Electoral Competition
- The Reinforced EU Youth Guarantee: What’s next?
- Outlining strenghts and weaknesses: the European Border and Coastguard Agency (FRONTEX)
- The implications of large-scale data mining by intelligence agencies in the Netherlands
- The world’s (in)action towards Iran
- The prohibition of the right to abortion: a precedence for the judicially “legitimised” violation of universal human rights?
- European Policy Review
- Is addressing gender inequality essential to achieving sustainable agriculture?
- Integrating Development into the Human Rights Regime: A Long Way to go for the UN Declaration on the Right to Development
- Does the solution to poverty, hunger, and gender equality really lie buried in the soil?
- Anti-gender movements and their impact on national European policies
- The role of EULEX in the War Criminal Prosecution Process in Kosovo
- European Policy Prize
- Europe’s far-right split over the war in Ukraine
- Turning a blind eye to foreign terrorist fighters: the case of Europe
- Migration Working Group: Final report
- Undermining human rights in the fight against terrorism: nationality deprivation and repatriation of Foreign Terrorist Fighters
- Ukraine: the long-term conflict and its ties with the EU
- Could the US military training pilgrimages be deemed as a trigger of a coup d’état?
- The impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Human Trafficking
- Getting away with Human Rights Violations: Torture and Human Trafficking entangled in Libyan Detention Centres for Migrants
- The new energy crisis: an accelerator for a global green transition?
- Trokosi: Human rights vs. Religious and cultural freedom
- On the EU’s path to strategic autonomy: digital sovereignty (Part 2)
- Human Rights Policy Brief: on the topic of the Enviroment and Technology
- Unpacking the 2022 Dutch Farmers Protests
- Captagon or ‘Poor Man’s Cocaine’: Understanding the Intricacies of an Illicit Industry
- New European look for Cohesion Policy
- Policy Brief: The Situation of Roma Youth: Inequality and Prejudice
- On the EU’s path to strategic autonomy: digital sovereignty
- First Lessons for European Security Policy from Russia’s War in Ukraine
- The colonial roots of the EEC
- Turkey’s veto on the NATO Agenda: a new move on its new priorities in Syria?
- Disadvantaged Youth Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET): Considering the Complexities of Reengagement in the Labour Market
- European Youth Employment Initiatives for 2022
- UN Women Policies for Youth Employment in Europe
- Europe’s Autism Framework – Pitfalls and Recommendations
- War on Ukraine: Will the Visegrad Four unravel?
- European Green Deal vs. Greenwashing – Issues and Opportunities
- The Responsibility to Protect in Libya and Syria War Conflicts
- Natural hazards: Disaster or Opportunity?
- Female Genital Mutilation: Implications and European Action
- Open Call for Board Members
- Orban’s victory, Le Pen’s strong growth… What are the implications of Putin’s influences in the European political sphere? How is he using them to unstabilize Europe?
- Democratic Backsliding and The Rollback of Media Freedom in Hungary
- The changes in the law that PEGASUS is forcing on the EU
- UK Minimum Wage: Comparing the validity of the justifications for a youth rate in 1999 and 2022.
- Podcast: Eastern Enlargement: reasons, challenges and opportunities
- Prof. Dr. Tanja Börzel Interview
- Internal forced displacement in Haiti: human rights violations at the crossroads of vulnerability and natural disasters
- Podcast: Eastern Enlargement: what does it mean for the future of the EU?
- Defining ’Meaningful suffering’ and Rape as a Weapon of War
- The Rise of the radical right within the EU and the EU’s response (or lack thereof)
- Understanding the Conflict in Mali: France, the EU and the Consequences of Intervention
- Child soldiers, stereotypes and the EU
- Is the EU a democratic entity?
- The NEET problem in Italy – a complex phenomenon to be solved
- Being young in Italy today- analysis of the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan
- Israel’s unclear relationship with Russia: why that is a problem for Ukraine and the European Union
- Role of EU support on Nigeria Healthcare System
- Storytelling for Freedom: Unfolding the information war in Ukraine
- Is there a need to exercise caution in terms of sanctions levied against Russia? How an economic warfare can quickly escalate to a hot war
- How might the war in Ukraine affect democratic backsliding in Europe?
- In Context: EU-Morocco Relations: Territorial Disputes and Diplomacy. Part II
- European Nuclear Disarmament: Lessons from history for South Asia
- Policy Brief – The Effects of War on Youth Employment: Ukrainian Focus
- Paving the way to future integration? How Estonia supports Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic ambitions
- China’s Foreign Policy and Soft Power Projection vis-à-vis Greece: Current Development, Extent, and Limits
- In Context: EU-Morocco relations. Part I
- Importance of the Indo-Pacific: a European Union Perspective
- Western Balkan Youth, the Gig Economy and the ‘Decent Work’ Agenda
- The Euro at 20: What’s next to come?
- The European Union’s position towards the China-Taiwan conflict
- Women in STEM in the European Union – Facts and Figures
- Understanding (non)cooperation in EU-Algeria migration governance
- The EU and Africa’s Human Rights Context: How does the EU’s Normative Power influence Africa’s Multilateral Human Rights Advocacy?
- Afghanistan Under Taliban rule: A Glance at the European Union’s Concerns
- Youth Employment & Climate Change
- Caring about Care: How to Address Gender Inequality in Unpaid Care Work?
- From the China-Lithuania row to the future of EU-China relations
- EU-Algeria energy relations: towards greener energy dependence?
- Negotiating the feminisation of migration amid nationalism – an opportunity for social transformation
- Quo Vadis Turkey?
- EU economic sanctions on Russia and war in Ukraine: how hard can they impact EU consumers?
- Turkey’s dilemma in the Russia-Ukraine war
- The EU’s migration policy, France and Poland: The Ukrainian crisis in context
- Unveiled Discrimination: The Problematic Lack of Intersectional Gender Equality Policy in the European Union
- Donation Links in Support of Ukraine
- Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Short-term political consequences in France, UK, and Poland
- EU Readmission agreements and Human Rights: a delicate bond
- Gender Divide in Education in the European Union: The Impact on the Labour Market
- Back to Unemployment – How the emergence of Covid-19 set back the prospects of young workers in the Western Balkans
- EU-Algeria trade relations: is EU-led liberalisation reinforcing economic stagnation?
- Understanding international sanctions in the wake of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine
- The future of meat and dairy production in light of the European Green Deal
- An overview of the terrorist threat in Europe and EU’s counter-terrorism measures
- Event: Rule of Law in the EU
- The Role of Drones in Turkey’s Strengthening Defense Ties with Africa
- Aftermath of Brexit: What was supposed to happen vs What happened
- Zero Discrimination Day: The EU legal framework against discrimination
- The role of the Reinforced Youth Guarantee in decreasing the NEET rate across Europe
- Underrepresentation of Women in Politics
- Entering a competitive tempo: how the ubiquity of Special Forces empowers them to subdue hybrid threats
- Diagnose the present, foretell the future: Health sequelae of the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine
- Poland’s border crisis
- The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a formal tool to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation: the case of Italy
- Nord Stream 2: fulcrum of geopolitical debate and EU-Russia relations
- Accessibility of higher education and term-time employment for refugees and asylum seekers in Germany
- Accessibility of higher education and term-time employment for refugees and asylum seekers in the UK
- The World’s Happiest Nation: How Finland Keeps Winning
- Call for Director of Communications – Website Manager
- EU Bilateral cooperation and Common Interest in the fight against multilateral corruption
- Policy Brief: Spain: Youth, COVID-19, and the Struggle of Unemployment
- The processes of constitutionalization and internationalization of human rights
- The energy crisis as an opportunity to integrate energy policy with climate priorities
- Poland & Hungary contest EU regulation: A new future for their relationship with the Union?
- Hygienic-sanitary humanitarianism as a justification for migrants’ deterrence: The case of Italian quarantine ships during Covid-19
- Has the importance of human rights shifted?
- The Associated Trio: Time for differentiation within the EU’s Eastern Partnership?
- Reinhard Bütikofer Interview
- Interview: The NATO mission in Afghanistan (2001-2021). A conclusive analysis of successes, failures, and cultural differences. (pt.2)
- Interview: The NATO mission in Afghanistan (2001-2021). A conclusive analysis of successes, failures, and cultural differences. (pt.1)
- European Policy Review 2022 – Call for Reviewers and Submissions!
- Shifts in political language: a record of anti-Semitic language in Europe seventy-seven years after the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp by the Red Army
- The Complicated Nature of EU-Morocco Relations
- The Transnational Issue of Child Labour in Europe
- Migration, Youth (Un)employment and the EU
- An Overview: The Rule of Law in Poland
- The European Union as perpetrator? Allowing human rights violations on its soil.
- A new geopolitical perspective of the European institutions: The semiconductor global shortage, causes, and the EU response
- Period products: a human right or a luxury?
- In war-torn Bosnia, fear is again on the march
- Call for Ambassadors – Spring 2022
- Youth Entrepreneurship: A Policy Priority for Western Balkan Economic Recovery
- Angela Merkel’s EU Legacy
- The 2030 Agenda: No progress without progress on gender equality
- The fight never ends: Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention
- The EU Sitting on the Fence: Between Good Practice and Inconsistency Within the Human Rights Defenders Protection Regime
- Podcast: EU Relations in the Arctic
- Team Europe and COVAX: Locating the EU’s role in the global fight against Covid-19
- EU-GCC relations: past, present, and future in the post-Brexit scenario
- Polexit: Concerns Over Poland’s Commitment to the European Union
- EU-ASEAN Interactions and the European Interest Towards the Southeast Asian Region: Towards Interregionalism? Part 1
- A new European Union Agency for Asylum, the solution for asylum deficiencies?
- Europe’s energy crisis: Were the COP26 goals a turning point in tackling it?
- David versus Goliath: An analysis of the causes of the diplomatic dispute between China and Lithuania and what it reveals about the European Union
- Speed-Dating the European Green Deal: Round-up on EST’s Climate Engagement
- Understanding COP26
- Join Us: Social Media Manager
- Interview Transcript: Anna Luhrmann
- European responsibility on (in)formal refugee camps. A brief reflection on unaccompanied minors. The case of Calais in the context of Covid-19
- Assessing the Incoming French Presidency to the Council of the European Union: Will the EU turn protectionist?
- The importance of ensuring gender parity and diversity in the governance of the COVID-19 pandemic
- COP26: EU’s path towards green leadership through external relations
- Domestic violence – the shadow pandemic: Can victims trust the police?
- EST Observatory on EU and the Middle East and North Africa Relations
- Call for Treasurer and Fundraising Officers
- Mitigating Europe’s climate risks: EU Civil Protection Mechanism and its role in future climate risk management
- A New Normal? COVID-19 and the EU’s renewed push for Strategic Autonomy
- Chinese, Russian and EU Competition: Why the analogy to the Cold War is at least misleading
- From the Exception to the Rule: Desecuritising the EU’s Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic
- EMENA Climate-Water Security Nexus: Exploring Implications for the EU’s Foreign Policy
- The Lack of Gender Diversity in STEM
- LGBTIQ+ Rights are Human Rights: A Problem Deriving from a Lack of Exposure and Experience
- European Policy Review: Volume 4
- Covid-19, youth employment, and mental health in Italy
- Covid-19 and Care Work: Towards A Re-evaluation of Care Professions?
- An Analysis of University Funding, Mobility and Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany, France and Spain.
- Issues and opportunities of remote work for young people
- COVID-19, Green Economy and Youth Employment: Common lessons from EU and South Korea
- The New Democratic Deficit
- Join the EST Board!
- An Analysis of the increased racism and xenophobia in the Canary Islands
- Sweden’s COVID-19 Strategy Winner or Loser?
- The long-term impact of oil pollution in the marine ecosystem and the contribution of European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) to prevention
- Winning Entries of the Europe Direct “L’ Europa che Vorrei” Essay Competition
- Review of Security and Defence in Europe 2020
- A Vision of European Green Diplomacy
- Biofuels Under Scrutiny from Regulators: Europe’s Short-term Decarbonization
- Pros & Cons for BN(O) Migrants
- Questioning the EU’s Hydrogen Roadmap
- The EU’s Common Agricultural Policy and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Changing perspectives: Has COVID-19 induced any positive changes on the youth?
- Why Europe Needs to Do Whatever It Takes Once Again
- Event: “Disinformation in Europe: Present and Future Challenges” Outcomes
- Discrimination of racialised migrants in the European Union
- The Netherlands and its biggest challenge: Stopping sea level rise
- The Ramifications of Covid-19 on Indigenous Peoples: Solutions through Solidarity
- Environmental and Climate (In)justice – An outlook on the environmental future of the EU
- Talento para el Futuro looks for Spanish volunteers
- EST and Talento Europa
- CEPS Young Thinkers Initiative
- Post-Pandemic EU-China Relations: Navigating Rough Waters in Unprecedented Times
- A (new) East-West Divide in Europe?
- The New EU-China Agreement: What ‘shared future’?
- LGBT-free Zones in Poland & EU action
- EU values: someone is more equal in inequality
- Infographics for International Women’s Day 2021
- A misrepresentation: Switzerland as an economically advanced country but lacking in terms of Gender Equality
- #Choosetochallenge: Let’s eliminate stereotypes
- Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”
- Celebrating women in leadership: how equal are women now?
- The fragility of women’s rights: backlash on abortion right due to Covid lockdown in Europe
- Hamilton’s federalism in the European Union
- EU Counter-Terrorism Efforts and COVID-19
- COVID-19 Vaccine Trust Survey
- Politics of COVID-19 in EU Integration
- EU and UAE facing climate change: a win-to-win partnership
- Dealing with COVID-19: Youth’s perspectives and actions-2nd part
- Dealing with COVID-19: Youth’s perspectives and actions-1st part
- Closing the gap between the EU and the students!
- 5G and the EU: Speed & Controversy
- UK-EU Relations: Living Next to an Economic Elephant.
- The Supraregional Pivot of NATO by the EU: Necessitated by a VUCA World?
- The Regulation of the Right to Strike at the European Level
- Solidarity 2.0 – Recovery plan. EU’s social policy in the Covid-19 crisis
- Rescaling Political Economy: A Mitigant to Crisis-Induced Food Insecurity?
- The New EU-China Trade Deal: Setting the tone for Global Politics in 2021?
- The American Dream in Scandinavia
- President Erdogan’s Foreign Policy and its Implications for Turkey’s Future
- To fight “Islamist separatism” Macron focuses on the wrong Republican values
- The European Union and Morocco: Prospects and Challenges for Economic Development
- Two Problematic Modes of European Integration: Social Standards and the Rule of Law
- China in Post-Trump Asian Geopolitics
- The Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Shipping and Maritime Industries
- 21st century EUropean chauvinism & the story of the European Federation
- The deadlocks for the ratification of the Mercosur – European Union agreement
- ‘We Need to Complete Our Toolbox’: Towards a European Magnitsky Act
- The (still) sleeping potential of the European single market
- The Spanish silver lining: EU Next Generation
- Covid-19: The Impact on Europe’s Shipping and Maritime Industry
- The Next Frontier: An Introduction to the European Space Economy
- Interview of Joshua Kriesmann – founder of an NGO ‘Students Meet Refugees’
- Right-Wing Movements and Migration in the EU: Which Way (Is) Europe?
- An Introduction to Diplomacy: The Role of Gender in Brexit Negotiations
- The way to multilateralism: the G20 Summit and the European Union
- Climate Change in the G20: China’s Zero Carbon Pledge after the Riyadh Summit
- The Working Group on Migration is looking for new team members!
- The European Union can be a normative power in the Indo-Pacific
- European solidarity on the border(line): Why a new and legally binding reform of the Dublin (III) system will be indispensable
- The Arctic: A Third Frontier Dilemma
- Beginning in the middle of a crisis
- Belarusian Protests – Does it question the EU’s credibility?
- This is not a Drill: Applying Human Rights to the Global Health Emergency
- Call for Treasury Officer
- Eight ‘Controversial’ European Leaders Calling For More Europe
- The EU Global Diaspora Facility: Why Diaspora is the Future of Public Diplomacy
- SOTEU Debate Report
- Big Phil to Valdis Dombrovskis: A Reset in EU-US Trade Relations?
- G20 Summit: Call for Articles
- The New Economic Paradigm
- The Politics of Emissions Reduction Targets: How Targets Can Fool You
- The space frontier: exploration, warfare, and pollution
- The EU’s space sector and space policy
- Does Europe need to catch-up in the NewSpace race?
- Why Bulgaria’s anti-corruption protests are showing serious government failure?
- Digital Evolution: Regulating the Online Right to Free Speech
- The European Union and Central Asia: connectivity challenges
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- The European Green Deal: How the EU aims to become climate neutral by 2050
- Defining Human Rights in the 21st Century
- V4’s Geopolitical Solidarity and its Limitations
- 2019/2020 Gender Equality Publications
- How is (or isn’t) the EU dealing with the Eastern Mediterranean crisis?
- EVFTA: Implications for the European Union-Vietnam Strategic Ties in the Upcoming Time
- The Role of the Conflict in Ukraine in the Evolution of EU-Russian Relations
- Call for Researchers – European Student Think Tank’s Working Group on Security and Defence
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- Save the WOMEN or Save the ECONOMY?
- Gender Equality and Educational Opportunities: Can Gender Shape Your Career?
- The Worldwide Infection: Capital, not Covid
- Applications for the Working Group on Public Health & Policy
- Role of Brexit in Gender Equality
- The Presidential Election and its Implications for Russia and Belarus
- One Country – Two Directions: The Obscure Economic Policy of China and How the EU Should Relate to It
- Applications for the Working Group on Gender Equality
- EU-Saudi relations: contextualizing the importance of human rights ahead of the next G20 summit
- Become an EST Ambassador 2020-21
- Webinar: The Role of Youth in Shaping Europe’s Global Footprint
- Call for Working Group on Youth Employment
- What measures can be taken to increase voter turnout at elections?
- The Covid19 pandemic responses: credit swaps and global fiscal cooperation.
- The enlargement process as a security guarantee for the Balkan region and a “geopolitical” European Union
- The new European Commission and its challenges: building a better European Union
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- EST Briefing on Corona Autocracy in Hungary
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- The importance of gender equality in the policy-making process: insights from the European Union
- EST Ambassadors on the Emergency of Climate Change: PART 2
- Aren’t we a Union?
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- Abortion Rights
- International Women’s Day and the Fourth Feminist Wave
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- Gender equality (SDG 5) as the basis for achieving all other Sustainable Development Goals
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- The Ethics of Conducting Transnational Clinical Trials
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- Cervical Cancer: A critical review of prevention and screening in Italy
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- The New Commission: Managing and Optimising the EU’s Natural Gas
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- The state of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Human Trafficking: A Global Issue
- Humans for Sale: The Features of Modern Slavery in the EU
- Young Minds Take Action. Let us be heard!: PART 2
- A ‘bottom-up cooperations’ approach to European common defence policy
- Brexit and the European Public Sphere
- Young Minds Take Action. Let us be heard!: PART 1
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- Rephrase the Current One-Dimensional Global Free Trade Agreements of the European Union: By Making It a Two-Dimensional with an Environmental Dimension
- Challenges To Vaccine Confidence And A Way Forward – Review of the 2018 “State of vaccine confidence in the EU” by the European Commission
- The UK Bribery Act
- Towards A Comprehensive View of Global Diplomacy: Becoming Aware of Cultural Differences within Negotiating Parties
- EST Board 2018-19 Graduation Statement
- How to leave the EU without making a mess of it (and why it’s still not worth it)
- The Impact of Public Health Policy
- Meritocracy as Principle of Justice
- It wasn’t Us, it was the EU!
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- 25 Years of Eurasian Integration: Success or failure? (Part I)
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- The Role of Non-State Actors in EU Cybersecurity Policy: Towards a Cyber-Resilient Europe (Part 1)
- February: Brussels Briefing
- EST Ambassadors on the 2019 European Elections: PART 2
- EU-Turkey’s Alışveriş
- Internet Governance
- Dayton Peace Agreement and Bosnia & Herzegovina
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- EST Ambassadors on the 2019 European Elections: PART 1
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- EST Ambassadors on the role of youth in decision-making
- What to expect from the Austrian EU Presidency
- Euro-Med Youth Forum 2018
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- The EST visits the Council of Europe Liaison Office to the European Union
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- The Arts, Human Rights and the Legal Dimension
- EST Ambassadors on the role of youth in decision-making
- Report on attending a conference entitled “Understanding European Crime and Criminal Justice and its Research: the past 25 years, the present and the future”
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- Who is Seated at the Table? Where Identity Politics, Social Activism, and the Arts Meet
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- Brexit: what about the environment?
- Transition to a green economy. The role of international cooperation for the renewable energy sector in developing countries: the approach of EU and Japan
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- Beyond categorizations
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- Protection of the vital national interest in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- EST Ambassadors on European Identity – Part II
- Watch and learn!? – Women’s empowerment in Europe’s right-wing populism
- Bonn Climate Change: there is no planet B
- EST Ambassadors on European Identity – Part I
- Introductory Piece #6 – The European Identity: Reality or Aspiration?
- Did you know that … Europe’s cultural encounter with ‘the Muslim world’ is not a recent phenomenon?
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- Introductory Piece #4 – Part of you
- Introductory Piece #3 – Work to be done
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- Introductory Piece #1 – European Identity Exists
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- Interview with UNHCR South Sudan spokesperson Eujin Byun
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- By our English Ambassador: ‘Are we the bad guys?’
- EST Ambassadors On Gender Equality
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- Analysis of the Right to Self-determination in Contemporary International Law
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- The European Union: a Powerful Influencer or an Over-Ambitious Meddler?
- Enlightenment 2.0
- Interwiew with Asia Przybylska, Communication Coordinator at ePanstwo Foundation
- EST Visit to the EU Delegation to the International Organisations in Vienna
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- The Dark side of International Law
- The inefficiency of corruption
- Analysis of UKIP’s Nigel Farage’s xenophobic rhetoric
- Making the EU more transparent, accountable and representative
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- Forgetting values by taking valuables
- Q & A with Member of European Parliament Wim Van de Camp: “I think the European Union will redefine its raison d ‘ être”
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- Q & A with Member of the European Parliament Cora van Nieuwenhuizen (ALDE)
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- Conference ‘The Influence of Media in EU decision-making’
- How will LIVRE influence Portuguese democracy?
- EST Working Group Research Report – Irregular Migration and Human Rights
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- Opinion – Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free?
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- Opinion – If at first you don’t succeed, fail and bail out again. On the sense and nonsense of the ECB’s extensive stress-tests
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- To be or not to be the leader
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- The Netherlands
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- Country Profile: Bulgaria
- Youth’ Hopes in the Balkans: The Case of Macedonia
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- Candidates to the Commission’s Presidency.
- The Hungarian Controversy
- Country Profile: Belgium
- The Ukraine crisis and European energy security
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- The upcoming EU elections: much ado about nothing? (Part one)
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- Not yet doomed, but running out of time
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- Cameron’s bold move
- Of German Spies, Russian Mafiosis, and a Debt Crisis
- Discussion Forum 3: David Cameron’s speech
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- EU-PRC Relationship (Part 1/3: A Romance with the Dragon)
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- Don’t give up on us yet. I haven’t
- French medicine: somebody please find a doctor! (Part 1/2: “Les dépassements d’honoraires”)
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- The Euro is our common fate
- 2nd Discussion Forum: Europe, Obama, and the Pacific
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- 1st Discussion Forum: Erasmus- The Next Victim of Austerity ?
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- Croatia: Hazing the Rookie
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- EU to protect rule of law in Romania
- Good Neighbours make good friends
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- François Hollande – Captain of our Fate? (Part II)
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- The Civil War politics behind the trial of Spanish Judge Garzon
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- A story of a renewal gone terribly wrong
- The sacred non-interference principle or the shield of the ambiguous Chinese diplomacy?
- UK: To be or not to be (part of the EU)?
- An experience as EST Ambassador to Romania
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